And I'll say right from the beginning, that is not meant to offend, nor am I stupid. And as the disclaimer below clearly states, there are my personal views, not part of any organization.
But I have to admit - I relly felt like I was in another world at the Flag Day ceremony here in TJ. Or, rather, I didn't stay for the ceremony (due to the bad weather), but I was there for the 'prep'.
And as I'm watching all this, I can't help asking many q's in my mind.....I know the US does have a Flag Day, but as best I know, all we do is fly our flag. Is there any ceremony that comes with the day?
This was a huge ceremony (gathering of at least 1,000 ppl in a central area). Do we do that? Here are some pics I took:
and more
I was there because I was on my way to do things (yes, exchange some $$) and the do some grocery shopping), but I stopped to check it out.
I was amazed that from what I could see it was school children (hs and univ level (or at least age)) who were all carrying/waving flags. Then as time went by, the military started arriving. No, not military like the May Day Parades we've all seen from Moscow, but definitely military ppl (ie all in uniform). Very unusual - and unfamilar to say the least. Didn't see anyone like "me" - well, of course not quite like me, but anyone who was there just to see.
With the huge crowds of miliary and flag waving youth, the thing that popped into my mind were old documentary footage from demonstrations of nationalism, etc. It was a very strange feeling - and that, more than the rain, made me leave. I also seemed to be the only one taking pictures. But at least no one stopped me - but they did let me know when I was in an "off limits" area.
It's wierd. Although you don't see it on the surface, this is a very controlled society. And the military plays a huge roll.
Well, that's just my own personal opinion. I'm not sure if my pictures will get up here; I'm having difficulty with my internet - yet another challenge in Tajikistan. Sorry. But it does make me realized (yet again) how much I had taken for granted up to now.
So now I'm back in my apt, warming up and listening to some Gershwin (Rhapsody in Blue) - somehow I don't have any Sousa on my IPod...or other good "American music"!!
So that, perhaps, is my Thanksgiving Greeting! :) I just have to keep reminding myself that it is all relative, and I'm not here permanently.
Enjoy Turkey time with Friends and Family! :)
Please note the following disclaimer: "This website is not an official U.S. Department of State website. The views and information presented are the INL Fellow's own and do not represent the International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs Program or the U.S. Department of State".
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